Hotel Borrby Handelsbolag

Restaurang, Stugförmedling, Hotell, Hospitality, Tourism
969707-7205 0

Hotel Borrby Handelsbolag, located in Borrby, Sweden, is a hotel and restaurant that offers excellent accommodation and dining experiences. With a high rating from guests, Hotel Borrby Handelsbolag provides a range of rooms and offers for visitors. The hotel is also conveniently located near popular attractions such as the Konstrundan art tour and various activities in the Borrby area. For reservations or inquiries, guests can contact Hotel Borrby Handelsbolag at +46 72 200 97 66.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Accommodation
  • Dining
  • Extract from register:
    Klockaregårdsvägen 19, 27635 BORRBY
    Ja, registrerad för F-skatt
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