Agriculture, Artificial Intelligence is a company that specializes in providing AI-driven solutions for better livestock management. They aim to empower farmers with services such as feed monitoring and calving to optimize resource use and improve animal well-being. Their solution involves 24/7 monitoring of livestock, interpreting cows' body language to address their individual needs. combines artificial intelligence and animal husbandry knowledge to pave the way for precision livestock farming. They envision a future where every farm animal can express their natural behaviors, live comfortably, and enjoy good health while contributing positively to the health of the planet.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Djurvakt app
  • AI-powered interpreter of cows' body language
  • AI-driven solutions for better livestock management
  • Feed monitoring
  • Calving support
  • 24/7 monitoring of livestock
  • Interpreting cows' body language
  • Optimizing resource use
  • Improving animal well-being
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
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