
E-commerce logistics, Fashion

Droppa is a multi-return platform that aims to set a new standard in e-commerce logistics. The company offers a solution to the problem of returns by providing a hassle-free process for both fashion brands and consumers. With Droppa, customers can easily register and return their items through drop-off locations or by shipping them via a courier. The company also focuses on reducing waste and emissions by commingling returns in reusable containers and working with fossil-free transportation partners. Droppa's mission is to eliminate the need to discard clothing and items, ensuring zero items end up in landfills or incinerators.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Online registration tool
  • Waybill
  • Recyclable bags
  • API documentation
  • Multi-return platform
  • Return registration
  • Drop-off locations
  • Shipping via courier
  • Reusable containers
  • Fossil-free transportation
  • Efforts to resell returns
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
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