Andra företag:
Vassunda Bygg Aktiebolag
Bygg- och renoveringsindustrin Knivsta
Golvgruppen i Växjö AB
Construction Växjö
Hireq AB
Personalresurser, HR, Rekrytering Ystad
A.L. Ivarsson Fönster Aktiebolag
Bygg- och renoveringsbranschen Göteborg
Electric Drive Systems
Micohn Aluminium AB
Byggindustrin Stockholm
Summo Cibo AB
Turism, Resor Östra Göinge
Artificial Intelligence, Technology
Järfälla Måleri Aktiebolag
Byggbranschen Järfälla
Sportbyggarna Entreprenad Aktiebolag Spentab
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen, Idrottsbranschen Huddinge
Benny Nilssons Byggnads Aktiebolag
Fastighetsbranschen Karlshamn
Elgruppen i Trelleborg AB
elinstallationer Trelleborg
Ocean Harvesting Technologies
Data visualization, Journalism, Corporate communications, Advocacy
Technology, Advertising
Arkö Bostad AB
Fastighetsutveckling och byggande Norrköping
Green Buffers
Alfasco AB
Information Technology Stockholm
Bergus Health AB
Hälsovård Stockholm
Inex One
Insights, Marketplace, Consulting, Technology
Inex One is an insights marketplace that provides a platform for accessing expert network services. They offer the ability to connect with over 25 specialized expert networks worldwide, schedule calls, build a database of internal knowledge, and search and collect data from expert interactions. Inex One offers real-time control and overview of spend, usage, and compliance. They also provide a project management tool to streamline workflows and automate knowledge management. Inex One serves clients of all sizes, from global strategy consulting firms to corporate strategy teams.
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