Andra företag:
Granode Materials
Battery Technology, Energy Storage
Svea Solar
Renewable Energy
Artplatform AB
Konstkonsultation Stockholm
Johan Lindells Bygg.Se i Ö-Vik AB
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen Örnsköldsvik
Arvstrands Glas AB
Glasbranschen Stockholm
Farmartjänst Simlångsdalen-Halmstad Ek.För
service industry Halmstad
Jobcenter In Sweden AB
Rekrytering Hylte
Granitor Construction AB
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen Solna
G.B.F. Construktion Sweden AB
Construction Kungsbacka
Technology, Finance
Å W Köksdesign
Köksdesign och inredning Sundsvall
Lars Hafgren Dataservice Aktiebolag
IT-tjänster Nacka
M Björkmans Bygg AB
Byggbranschen Östhammar
Svensk Betongpumpning AB
Construction Norrköping
Technology, Data Storage, Artificial Intelligence
Norrtälje Måleri AB
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen Norrtälje
Lexplore is an all-in-one service that helps organizations systematically advance reading development. The company offers assessment, insights, and development in one place to support systematic reading development. Lexplore's services include a reading assessment using AI and eye-tracking technology, providing individual scores that indicate the level of reading for each pupil. The company also offers recommendations for reading activities and books that fit each pupil's needs. Lexplore works best when used in a school organization, allowing school leaders to monitor goal achievement and allocate resources efficiently. The company aims to boost reading progression and reading journeys everywhere.
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