
Fashion industry

TrusTrace is a company that specializes in traceability solutions for the fashion industry. They offer a platform that automates the chain of custody from raw materials to final goods, making it easier for companies to uphold material claims and reduce compliance risks in their value chains. TrusTrace provides tools to map out suppliers and shipments, meet compliance and traceability needs, and gather the necessary data to know, prove, and improve the impact of value chains. Their Forced Labor Prevention Solution helps to detect and mitigate nonconformities and uphold compliance. TrusTrace is an active member of influential communities and associations in the textile supply chain ecosystem. They offer a practical guide, called the 'Traceability Roadmap,' for implementing traceability in supply chains. The company uses AI-driven technology, offers a standardized, digital, and scalable way to track transaction and scope certificates, and enables suppliers to send primary data directly from the value chain for monitoring supply chain and compliance adherence.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Traceability solutions for the fashion industry
  • Forced Labor Prevention Solution
  • AI-driven platform for tracking transaction and scope certificates
  • Customizable sustainability applications
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