Lignin Industries

Forest Industry

Lignin Industries is a company based in Sweden that specializes in converting lignin, a by-product of the pulp and paper industry, into bio-additives for bioplastics and thermoplastics. With 80 million tonnes of lignin processed globally, Lignin Industries aims to reduce the use of fossil-based plastics by blending lignin with virgin and recycled thermoplastics. By replacing every 1 kg of fossil-based plastics with their bio-additive, called RENOL®, Lignin Industries can decrease CO₂ emissions by up to 6 kg. The company operates in the forest industry and is focused on utilizing the renewable resource of forests.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • RENOL® - bio-additive for bioplastics and thermoplastics
  • Conversion of lignin into bio-additives for plastics
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