Andra företag:
Pizza House i Simrishamn Aktiebolag
Mat och dryck, Boende och hotell Simrishamn
Turism- och gästfrihetsbranschen
Bengt & Mats Byggmontage Aktiebolag
Byggindustrin Örebro
Juridisk konsultation
Real Estate
Berglund Bygg AB
Bygg- och anläggning Skellefteå
Eka Bygg Entreprenad AB
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen Göteborg
Trädgårdstjänst Lund AB
Trädgårdsanläggning och skötsel Lund
Agriculture technology, Sustainable interior design, IoT solutions
Habi Fastigheter AB
Bygg- & fastighetsbranschen Markaryd
Music, Technology
Henrikssons Bygg i Kalix AB
Byggindustri Kalix
Azalee Restaurang AB
Mat och dryck, Underhållning Malmö
Gunnar Holmgren Snickerier AB
Inredningsdesign Umeå
Savana Invest AB
Fastighetsbranschen Stockholm
Nella C Agency AB
Restaurang Helsingborg
I-CONIC Vision
Software Development, Geospatial Technology
Joannas Proffsstäd AB
Städning Bjuv
Energy Efficiency, Artificial Intelligence
Myrspoven is a company that focuses on energy optimization in buildings using AI technology. They aim to make buildings consume less energy and enable them to consume energy when it is favorable, resulting in cost and emission reduction. Inspired by the myrspoven bird, known for its impressive energy efficiency during long flights, Myrspoven strives to provide innovative and efficient solutions for the real estate industry. They offer services to optimize building energy usage and are involved in the ADR Project, working with energy and real estate companies. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, Myrspoven aims to contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint in the non-renewable kilowatt per hours by 1%.
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