
Fintech, SME lending

Monto is a company that helps fintechs and SME lenders make better credit decisions by providing access to real-time financial data from SME businesses' accounting software. They offer a credit intelligence platform that delivers fresh financial data daily, empowers lenders to understand and assess individual borrowers, and integrates with APIs to access accounting and financial data. Monto's premium intelligence layer provides actionable KPIs, predictive credit information, and cash flow insights. They aim to streamline processes, boost business, and reduce the probability of default. Monto was launched in 2021 and is a part of Fortnox, Sweden's top accounting software provider.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Seamless financing
  • Enriched balance sheet and financial data
  • Actionable KPIs for credit scoring and portfolio monitoring
  • Real-time financial data access
  • Credit intelligence platform
  • Integrations with accounting software providers
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