
Blockchain, Web3, API services

Moralis is an enterprise-grade Web3 API provider that bridges the development gap between Web2 and Web3. They offer powerful Web3 APIs that allow developers to access NFT metadata, integrate with the Solana Network, fetch real-time token balance data, and provide authentication using EVM or Solana wallets. Moralis also offers data APIs for NFTs, tokens, balances, DeFi, and more, along with real-time on-chain notifications and market data API. Their products and services aim to enhance user engagement, sync web3 data to backend systems, and provide a range of APIs to support building Web3 applications.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Organised Blockchain Data API
  • Market Data API
  • Web3 Authentication API
  • Stream API
  • Web3 API services
  • Data API services
  • Real-time notifications services
  • Authentication services
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